DSI clarified the case of being sued in a civil case by the buyer of a luxury Lamborghini car that was seized in a special case

published: 21/6/2567 19:12:57 updated: 12/7/2567 10:28:30 1201 views   TH

DSI clarified the case of being sued in a civil case by the buyer of a luxury Lamborghini car that was seized in a special case

            According to reports in mass media, a car dealership has filed a civil suit against the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) and representatives from various agencies, totaling 9 individuals, in the Civil Court, seeking damages of 49 million baht. This case involves the purchase of a luxury Lamborghini car, which was acquired through proper procedures but was later seized by order of DSI.

            DSI has examined the case through the responsible investigation team of the Bureau of Regional Operations and found that the case is related to Special Case No. 198/2560.

            This special case involves the import of a personal Lamborghini car into the Kingdom through duty evasion and false declaration. The car was seized as evidence in the case. The investigation was completed, and the case file, along with opinions, was sent to the public prosecutors of Department of Special Litigation 4 on August 21, 2019. Later, the public prosecutors opined that the special case investigation team should act according to Section 85 of the Criminal Procedure Code, as the car was not deemed to be evidence in the special case, leading to the revocation of the seizure order. After the case was reviewed by the Attorney General, a final decision was made to re-seize the car as evidence in the special case. Consequently, the special case investigation team issued another seizure order.

            Regarding this matter, DSI would like to clarify that the special case investigation team’s action to seize the vehicle, as mentioned in the news, was carried out in accordance with Section 143, paragraph two (Gor) of the Criminal Procedure Code, which requires compliance with the orders of the public prosecutor.

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