DSI Organizational Structure

published: 29/10/2556 12:38:25 updated: 13/5/2566 11:10:09 81217 views   TH







Bureau of Technology and Information Inspection Center has the following duties and power:

  1. Counsel in policies, supervise, support, promote, plan, follow up and evaluate the use of Information Technology for the DSI’s work system development,
  2. Setup and develop computer systems, write computer programs, and enhance the DSI’s special instruments,
  3. Develop systems, formats, tools, and standards of survey, collection, processing, and making use of the DSI’s data or instruments,
  4. Monitor and access to documents, or intelligence publicized by the electronic media and information technology, or communication devices in accordance with the law on special case investigation, and prepare documents or evidence for penetration,
  5. Conduct an electronic and forensic identification, crime scene photography and examination, and polygraph tests; and
  6. Jointly perform or support the operation of other related agencies or as assigned.

Administration Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Documents and general administration
  2. Meetings
  3. Finance, accounting, and supplies
  4. Basic human resources management
  5. Budget, plans and projects
  6. Work according to the official commitment and for monitoring of key performance indicators
  7. The bureau’s strategic plan/annual action plan and fiscal budget plan
  8. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the performance under the Bureau’s action plan
  9. Joint operation with or support to the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Inspection Division 1 undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Criminal background and fingerprint check
  2. Wanted person publication and cancellation
  3. Digital fingerprint collection
  4. Penetration under Section 27 of the Special Case Investigation Act B.E. 2547 (2004)
  5. Informant registration
  6. Personal information check
  7. Joint operation with or support to the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Inspection Division 2 undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Crime scenes and accounting frauds inspection
  2. Coordination with related organizations for crime scenes inspection as requested
  3. Joint operation with or support to the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Inspection Division 3 undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Inspection of electronic devices, communications, computers, photographs, sounds, tools e.g. a polygraph and other modern technologies
  2. Joint operation with or support to the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Special Instruments Research and Development Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Researching and developing supporting instruments for special case investigation
  2. Counseling, suggesting and providing information and experts on technology to support special case investigation
  3. Improving systems or mechanisms facilitating research and development of special instruments for special case investigation
  4. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Information Center undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Planning, standardizing, and developing the IT system for improvement of the DSI’s all work systems
  2. Managing and arranging the DSI’s information network and database systems
  3. Providing other bureaus with support and advice on technologies for effective performance
  4. Supporting and taking actions for the use of IT network for various forms of communication with standardized technologies
  5. Managing and arranging for information exchange and communications through the information network within the DSI and with government organizations
  6. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Crime Information and Intelligence Analysis Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Analyzing the correlation between the investigative information and intelligence of the DSI to support special case prevention, suppression, and investigation
  2. Collecting, verifying, and evaluating the information obtained from investigations, working on intelligence, information from open and confidential sources, and information from case evidence inspection and identification, such as digital evidence, communication logs, financial and tax footprints, commercial registration, and storing those information in the database system
  3. Extending investigation by employing intelligence tactics to obtain information and to analyze its relations between the investigative information and intelligence
  4. Coordinating with domestic and international organizations about information and intelligence for enhancement of the DSI’s efficiency in analyzing the correlation between the investigation information and intelligence
  5. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Maps and Geo-information Technology Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Inspecting crime scenes and preparing a sketch of the scene by using international standards on Geographic Information System (GIS)
  2. Producing and analyzing the reading and interpretation of aerial photos and satellite imagery, and producing aerial intelligence by employing the GIS for use in planning the special crime prevention and suppression
  3. Developing system and pattern of air operations and the GIS
  4. Providing counsel and suggestions, and supporting information and experts on the GIS for Jointly special case investigation
  5. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

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Bureau of Policy and Strategy has the following duties and power:

  1. Study, analyze, prepare information for forming policies and strategic plans, make plans and projects, create and coordinate the DSI’s action plan,
  2. Perform tasks pertaining to the DSI’s policies and strategies, coordinate for implementing policies and plans to actions in accordance with the DSI’s policies and master plan, determine and manage the DSI’s budget, and urgently monitor, evaluate and report on the DSI’s performance under its policies and strategies,
  3. Convert the national and ministerial policies into the DSI’s action plan,
  4. Coordinate with organizations in the public, private, and people sectors, and
  5. Jointly perform or support the operation of other related agencies or as assigned.

Administration Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Documents and general administration
  2. Meetings
  3. Finance, accounting, and supplies
  4. Basic human resources management
  5. Budget, plans and projects
  6. Work according to the official commitment and for monitoring of key performance indicators
  7. The Bureau’s strategic plan, annual action plan, and fiscal budget plan
  8. Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of the performance under the Bureau’s action plan
  9. Joint operation with or support to the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Strategy and Plan Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Laying down the direction and guideline for special case investigation based on the policy and strategy of the government and the Ministry of Justice Minister for implementation, coordinating work relating to policies for taking actions as assigned by the government and the Ministry of Justice
  2. Studying and monitoring crime trends and other related circumstances, nationally and internationally, that are changing and might affect the performance of the DSI and the Ministry of Justice
  3. Analyzing and producing the DSI’s strategy, long term development plan (15-20 years), strategic plan, 4-year action plan, and annual action plan
  4. Analyzing, determining missions, plans, projects, goals and budget consistent with policies, strategy, and integration plans at national, ministerial, departmental, and divisional levels
  5. Coordinating for integration of policies and strategies within the DSI and with another official organizations
  6. Converting the DSI’s strategy and conveying key performance indicators for implementation by each bureau
  7. Producing plans, projects in accordance with the key policies of the government, the resolutions of the cabinet, and the ministries relating to the DSI, and coordinating with persons in charge for the DSI’s strategic plan implementation
  8. Integrating the national policies and strategies with the DSI’s master plan
  9. Promoting and supporting each bureau in producing its strategic plan
  10. Taking actions in accordance with the Public Sector Management Quality Award (PMQA)
  11. Generating implementation of the policies, strategies, cabinet resolutions, and other directives
  12. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Budget Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Studying, analyzing, and producing the DSI’s expenditure budget of each fiscal year
  2. Analyzing, systematizing, and counselling on the DSI’s budget management
  3. Considering, preparing, and requesting the budget for the DSI’s special case investigation and other tasks
  4. Proposing for approval to transfer and change of budget lists
  5. Creating each annual action plan and expenditure plan to comply with the Ministry of Justice’s service goals, plans, and based on each item of the expenditure budget as stated in the supporting document of the Annual Expenditure Budget Act subject to the Bureau of the Budget’s planning, performance report, budget expense forms
  6. Allocating the budget for each fiscal year to bureaus in the DSI within the expenditure budget specified in the supporting document of the Annual Expenditure Budget Act
  7. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Monitoring and Evaluation Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Studying, analyzing, following up on, and reporting the DSI’s performance results
  2. Evaluating the DSI’s policies, strategies, action plans, plans, and projects
  3. Expediting, monitoring, and reporting the DSI’s annual budget spending
  4. Reporting the Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART) of the DSI
  5. Analyzing key information for supporting the DSI’s executives in managing and planning the DSI’s strategies
  6. Monitoring and reporting the performance under the governmental and ministerial policies, and the cabinet regulations
  7. Producing the DSI’s reports on annual performance and projects
  8. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned

Special Crime Prevention Network Division undertakes the following tasks.

  1. Studying, analyzing, determining policies to promote participation of the public, private, and people sector networks in special crime prevention under the DSI’s missions
  2. Integrating the DSI’s work plans, budgets, projects, and activities relating to participation of the public, private, and people sector networks
  3. Supervising, monitoring, coordinating, supporting, and cooperating with the DSI’s networks from the public, private, and people sectors
  4. Improving systems, patterns, potential, and work procedures for participation of the DSI’s networks from the public, private, and people sectors
  5. Performing assigned projects and activities relating to participation in special crime prevention of the people sector network and other networks
  6. Monitoring and evaluating the performance of participation with the DSI of the public, private, and people sector networks
  7. Jointly performing or supporting the operation of related agencies or as assigned



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Bureau of Justice Enhancement Affairs has the following duties and powers:

  1. Perform as assigned duties in relation to the prevention, suppression, investigation, and inquiry of special cases in order to take legal proceedings against a person committing an offence under the anti-usury law and of the nature specified as a special case or any criminal offence assigned and decided by the Board of Special Case to be investigated as a Special Case
  2. Perform as assigned duties in relation to enhancing access to justice for the people by receiving complaints, screening, recording data, deciding on assistance, referring, counselling and advising, and assisting the people suffering from injustice as a result of private debt and other causes; and duties in relation to enhancing human and community rights in line with the policies of the Ministry of Justice as well as coordinate with entities in the Public, Private and Civil Society Sectors to solve the problem
  3. Perform as assigned a fact-finding task in relation to petitions submitted to His Majesty the King for the purposes of seeking justice and assistance
  4. Provide assistance, investigate and gather evidence for persons so requesting who submit an application for the retrial of criminal cases under the Retrial of Criminal Cases Act, B.E. 2526 (1983), as assigned by the Ministry of Justice Committee on Deciding on the Retrial of Criminal Cases and relevant sub-committees
  5. Retain evidence and exhibits in criminal cases
  6. Jointly perform or support the operation of other related agencies or as assigned


Bureau of Narcotics Crime has the following duties and powers:

  1. Perform work for preventing, suppressing and investigating special crime, and for prosecuting offenders in narcotics crime
  2. Perform tasks pertaining to analyzing and proving guilt in cases under responsibility
  3. Collect, study, systematize and analyze intelligence, and plan, manage and coordinate for preventing, suppressing and investigating special crime under responsibility
  4. Perform work for prevention, suppression, investigation and inquiry of offenders in other crimes as assigned
  5. Retain case evidence and exhibits
  6. Jointly perform or support the operation of other related agencies or as assigned

















































































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